***更新:2020-06-20 07:19:19
聯系我們當前位置:首頁?產品供應?化工?合成樹脂?酚醛樹脂?油封脫模劑模可離 真誠推薦 上海君宜化工供應
郵箱: sg@estrongchem.com
電話: 13524989551
傳真: 021_60823996
手機: 021-60826029
地址: 上海市浦東新區五星路676弄萬科御河10棟
McGee Industries, Inc., more commonly referred to by our brand name, McLube, has offered high-performance release agents, anti-tack coatings and lubricants since 1954. McGee Industries is comprised of the McLube USA, McLube Europe, McLube Asia, and McLube Marine divisions that work in tandem to provide solutions to manufacturers around the world. We supply our trusted formulations to customers in North and South America, Europe and Japan from our corporate headquarters outside Philadelphia, USA. McLube Asia Pvt. Ltd. supplies McLube products to the Asian Pacific Region, Africa, The Middle East and Eastern Europe from its state-of-the-art facilities in Asia,油封脫模劑模可離. McLube Asia is a joint-venture established in 2000 with facilities in Mumbai and Nashik, Maharashtra, India and Shenzhen, China,油封脫模劑模可離. McLube Marine supplies high-performance dry-film lubricants and eco-friendly polishes to boating enthusiasts,油封脫模劑模可離, professional sailors, and Olympians around the world. McGee Industries believes in tailor-made formulations to achieve superior results and strives to be the industry leader in employee and customer satisfaction.
北歐化工的0201、0203、0210、0230、8201、8203、8210、8230,Vistamaxx威達美VM的 3000、6102、6202、3020FL、3980FL埃克森的Exact POE 9061、9071、9371、9182、黑色母 倍拓化學:BETACHEM 1040、BETACHEM 1044、BETACHEM1050、BETACHEM1020 倍拓1020、倍拓1030、倍拓1050、倍拓1045、君宜1050、君宜1020
炭黑 卡博特V9(N115) 、V6(N220) 、V7H(N234) 、R300(N326) 、V3(N330) 、VM(N339) 、VJ(N375) 、SPSO(550) 、SV(N660) 、SNS(N774) 、SP5000、SP5000A、SPVHA、STERLING SO-1、SP6400石蠟油 道達爾環保橡膠增塑劑 碳酸鈣 歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 5T-JI、Omyacarb 5T-JI、歐米亞活性碳酸鈣 2T-JI、Omyacarb 2T-JI格拉斯白炭黑 硅鋁酸鈉 RUBBERSIL AS-70、AS-100沉淀法白炭黑 RUBBERSIL RS-50、RS-120、RS-150、RS-200、RS-250 RUBBERSIL 高分散白炭黑 RS-3000TG
模可離公司總部位于美國費城,主要服務于歐美地區;模可離亞洲公司服務亞太,區域總部在印度,其生產地靠近孟買。 先進的技術和環境友好型的脫模劑幫助提高生產效率,減少報廢率和持久保護模具清潔。 模可離公司的脫模劑是一種半長遠性的不粘和不腐蝕涂層。在橡膠行業,模可離產品可用于模壓,注塑,擠出類的橡膠產品生產領域。在聚氨酯行業,模可離產品用于澆注料,硬泡,軟泡,自結皮和鞋底領域。 水性和溶劑型的產品可漸進稀釋,可用于各種金屬,鋁和環氧樹脂模具。提供和安全的應用技術。 McLube模可離工業潤滑油 McLube提供了可靠,經濟的潤滑技術超過60年。
文章來源地址: http://www.qyzv.cn/cp/322994.html
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