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當前位置:首頁?產品供應?化工?合成樹脂?酚醛樹脂???咸胤N白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U 服務為先 上海君宜化工供應

??咸胤N白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U 服務為先 上海君宜化工供應





產品關鍵詞:埃肯特種白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U

***更新:2020-06-26 14:18:53






郵箱: sg@estrongchem.com

電話: 13524989551

傳真: 021_60823996


手機: 021-60826029

地址: 上海市浦東新區五星路676弄萬科御河10棟

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??螮lkem Sidistar R300,

Junyichem Co, LTD is located in Shanghai China. We are a research and production enterprise that serve the chemical industry.we have professional research and technical service team and are committed to become a manufacturer service provider with forward-looking research of new materials in chemical industry.

Serve the rubber, plastic, coating, paint, ink and other industries,??咸胤N白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U. We have several production bases in China, our products include special additives, resins and functional reinforcing filler etc Junyichem provide special BETA functional additives,??咸胤N白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U, annual output of 3000 tons Junyichem provide BETA color master batches,埃肯特種白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U, annual output of 3000 tons Betachem provide quality AdvanZ resins annual output of 20000 tons.

Junyichem provide special SAK functional fillers. 

??咸胤N白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U


1. 在天然橡膠中特種氣相法白炭黑R300 用量在10 份時,其膠料的拉伸強度及扯斷

伸長率變形較好。2. 綜合撕裂強度及膠料的壓縮長久變形性能,其特種氣相法白炭黑R 300 用量在10份時表現較好。3. 在天然橡膠中加入10 份特種氣相法白炭黑R 300 后膠料的曲撓疲勞性能就有了明顯的提高。4. 天然橡膠中加入特種氣相法白炭黑10 份時,其膠料的回彈值與脆性溫度處于比較好。5. 特種氣相法白炭黑R 300 不僅具有較好的混煉加工特性,且還有效改善了天然橡膠的動態疲勞性能,***提高了膠料抗裂口增長性能,提高了膠料曲撓疲勞50%以上。

??咸胤N白炭黑SIDISTAR R320U

Ever since Sam Eyde established Elkem in 1904 our main activity has been to develop new products, markets and production methods. An ambitious innovation strategy in combination with a strong focus on future markets has been the foundation for Elkem’s development. It has led to a great success – throughout more than 110 years.Elkem’s innovation strategy covers both incremental and step change innovation. The core of Elkem Business System (EBS) is continuous improvement.

EBS keeps the company equipped to meet future challenges. By always looking for new potential, by using EBS tools to describe the potential, by finding solutions and measuring results Elkem gains a steady progress.

However, to keep our position as a world-leading producer of silicon, silicones and carbon-based materials Elkem also seek innovation and new improvements.

文章來源地址: http://www.qyzv.cn/cp/399673.html

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